Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding is a sisterhood. This is a fact. Anyone who has ever been part of the movement knows this.
During our final days in Kenya, J. and I had the chance to meet up with some wonderful sisters. First off, for those of you who dont know, the Girls for Girls programme, has strong ties to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts movement. The Girls for Girls programme in Kenya was the result of one passionate woman's presentation to a WAGGGS event in 2011. Since then Eva, member of the Kenya Girl Guide Association, has been the inspiration for the project. Sadly, Eva is no longer in Londiani but she did make the trip to St. Kitzo's to meet up with us and introduce us to her beautiful daughter. Sisters forever.
After J. and I left Londiani we headed to Nyeri in the Central Highlands of Kenya. The Central Highlands looks nothing like the Great Rift Valley. The hills are rolling and green and full of plants. We were in Nyeri to visit the final home of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. Lord and Lady Baden-Powell are the founders of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, respectfully. Girl Guides inspired Juliette Gordon Low to create the Girl Scouts in 1912.
The final home of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell is now a small scouting museum at the Outspan hotel. We had a lovely time touring the museum with its curator, Benson. We did present the museum with mementos from the Girl Scouts of the USA and the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta.
We also took some time to sit on the porch and enjoy the view, which on a clear day includes Mt. Kenya. I loved the amazing bamboo that grows in the nearby garden. It was planted by Lord Baden-Powell and reminds me of the ever common and every enjoyed Brownie Trees found the world over.
Our visit, the next day, to the grave of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell in the town of Nyeri was very moving. They are buried in the same plot facing Mt. Kenya: if Lord Baden-Powell wakes up his first view will be that of the mountain he loved. We were escorted to the gravesite by Kenyan Girl Guides Claudia and Irene. We visited with Irene before the visit to the grave. We had a good discussion about girl retention and staying relevant as an organization.
When we returned to Nairobi on Monday afternoon we were graciously welcomed into the Kenya Girl Guide office. We chatted with old friends and made new ones. We were even treated to some amazing popcorn.
Finally, before we departed for our flights, we caught up with Evelyn. A KGGA friend we met in 2011.
I love that any Girl Guides or Girl Scouts that I meet in my travels, want to make the world a better place. There is no doubt, that scouting is a culture of good. So I have got to say, way to go, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and way to go Juliette Gordon Low, the three of you created something pretty awesome.